
thebi's clock

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

Haa~ satu tugas telah selesai

Fuha! Finally i've finished my bahasa task! Itu loh yg disuruh bikin cerpen, tau ga sih?-yeee apa sh gw?!- ok! And the unbelievable part is, i made quite a long one, about 11 pages! Dan tadinya 4 lembar aje gw males bgt! And i think its... 'ok', if you know what i mean...
Yah yg jelas sih made it to please my self, so...i really enjoy it...
Truth is i'm proud of myself! Gw ga pernah bikin cerita buat orang lain, apalagi cerpen yg buat di nilai. Sooo...Yipee for meee~
O btw the title is 'Cinta Sesaat'

Jumat, 09 Januari 2009

Go away flu!

Oh nooo! This flu is getting on to me! I sounded different, coz my nose is not workin at all, and yes I feel sick... My head feels like flying+banging+spining+rolling... I hate it... And the worst part is, I can't get near to my blved nephew... T.T
O, btw I'm using my cllphone! And opera mini haha