
thebi's clock

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

what the...?

for some reason, two days ago this art teacher came to our class and asked to all of us that was inside, "siapa di sini yang bisa gambar?" and coz i can so i said so, then suddenly my friend and i was given a large piece of paper she said "kalian ikut olimpiade seni rupa ya! di kumpulkan di meja saya besok."... I'm still in the state of shock. happy. but shock. so there i was joining some OSN -yes it does sounds like olimpiade SCIENCE nasional- but it's actually olimpiade SENI nasional -_-


so much for the joke

but I'm not kidding. so i went home and i just draw what i can think of that time... and the worst part is i've lost my oil pastels (IT'S

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Just twilight

you know i've finished the twilight series for just less than 2 weeks, MAN!!! it blew my mind!!! until now I'm still obsessed by it...cisssss, it's okay thou~ I JUST LOVE EDWARD... 1000000 thumbs up for Stephenie Meyer!!! wooo-hoooo 
I've also seen the movie, and... it turns out to be a bit disappointing...T_T  and yes, I know every movie based on a book will NEVER be as good as the book, of course. -stating the obvious- and there is one thing that i hate the most on the movie, Jasper was stupid... when we read the book Jasper was like incredibly awesome!!! duh! he can manipulates emotions! TO-TA-LLY cool!!! but when i watch the movie Jasper was just Alice's PET!!! he even let Bella escape really easily!!! ( see the part when Bella run to meet James )  ugh... he supposed to be really good at reading peoples face -_- and REALLY sensitive to his surroundings...
AH! this is really disappoints me! the part where edward stops Tyler's car!!! edward jumps off Bella's truck! -which makes him really stupid- BECAUSE... anyone -NOT just Bella- will think he's NOT A HUMAN!!! who the heck can stop a car with bare hands and jump off to ran away!!! REALLY this part is VERY DISAPPOINTING...
but despite all that I'm still in love with twilight... how can I not be in love? there's a sexy-smart ass-beautiful-strong-perfect vampire~ what's not to love? hohoho 

vampire... what kind of magical being could  be more sexier than vampire?
oh! btw jacob is really sexy -woooohoooo sexy MONGREL-